Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wednesday Mental Wanderings

Last night we found out Sean will be getting bumped up to varsity for the District wrestling tournament tonight. This is a good opportunity for him to help his team and have some success, he should be wrestling a kid from Ogemaw Heights. IF he is wrestling the person I think he will be he can beat him. In other news we found out that Adams cancer hasn't spread beyond the tumor location, this is great news as far as it starts giving them a game plan on treatment and is an answer to prayer. As a person who has walked through cancer with my wife I think that initial time of not knowing the facts is the hardest. Once you have that plan of treatment it seems to make things a little easier. Adam still has along road to go down but at least he can now start the journey with plan and more importantly with the confidence of Christ. Last sunday in sunday school we looked at the letter to the church at Ephesus in Revelation 2. The Lord pointed out all the good things that they were doing but, he did tell them that they had lost their first love HIM. This served as a reminder to us all that we can't become so involved in DOING things that we forget the reason we are doing them. We are called by the Lord to do good works but we are never supposed to take our eyes off of him and allow the "things" to replace him. Gotta head to work.

                                                                          God Bless,


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